Keep the make up fresh all day long

Despite of the skin type you have, if you want your make up to stay longer you should apply a primer to your face & around the eyes. It makes a perfect base for the makeup applied to the face.

Choose a good foundation according to the skin type.
Most of the time foundations come specially made for different skin types such as for oily skin, combination skin, normal skin or dry skin.

If they don't state anything use the regular rules as below;
for oily skin - mineral foundation/ powder foundation
for dry skin - cream foundation/ liquid foundation
for normal skin - you can use any kind :)

Choosing the right kind of foundation for your skin type is very important because it itself is a main cause to stay on the face without fading off.


When covering unevenness of the face a good concealer is mandatory.
Always apply the cream & salmon coloured concealers after applying the foundation because then you can clearly see the areas of the face which needs eminent coverage.


you can set the foundation or cream blush with some powder so that it'll last longer.
(Make sure you don't cake the face :->)

Oily skin - Can use either a brush or a sponge to apply the powder.
Dry skin - Definitely use a kabuki or a powder brush to lightly sweep the powder.
Normal skin - Use a brush to apply the powder.


When applying lipstick always remember to line & cover your full lips with a lip liner which has an even colour to the lipstick you use. It makes the lipstick stay on for longer hours

If you can't find the exact match then;
For light lipstick colours - Use a nude liner
For dark lipstick colours - Something in the same colour family

You can also cover the lips with a bit of concealer before you apply anything. Then when you apply the lipstick or gloss it has something to stick on to which makes them stay longer on the lips without smearing.

You can also try the translucent powder trick.:)
After applying the lipstick take a facial tissue & place it on the lips.
Then apply some translucent powder onto the tissue with a puff which then will transfer on to your lips through the tissue & will set the lipstick.
Finally apply another coat of lipstick onto the lips.
This trick is amazing when it comes to keep lipstick on the lips for such a long time.


Applying an eye shadow primer will keep the eye shadow without fading throughout the whole day.

But if you don't have one currently.
After applying the eye shadow to your lids repeat the same process once again.
It'll double stain your lids & keep them all day long. :)


Most of the pencil liners smudge way too easily.
But still you want to use them, then after lining seal it with some equally coloured eye shadow with an angled brush. It'll stop it from smearing. :)

But using liquid, cream or gel eye liner is more suitable if you want it to last longer without smudging even a bit.


I don't think anyone has complaints in this department. =)
But if you do then simply use the waterproof kind.

If you want to use a coloured mascara but can't find the waterproof kind then colour your lashes with the colored mascara you prefer & top it up with clear waterproof mascara. :)


First comb the brows with some brow gel or clear mascara & see if it needs any filling.
If so, use a brow powder to line the brow.
They are long lasting than the brow pencil kind.


you can buy a blotting powder or paper to use during the day/night to blot the access oil off the face which ultimately is the cause of fading away the makeup